Friday, October 2, 2009

I am having a fucked up evening

First of all the public option got dissed, again. Then the Olympics news was disheartening. The unemployment rate was worst than expected. What are we saying as a nation ? That private investors, the super wealthy, the religious right, the white haters can dominate our voice?. Obama is the first black president on this country. I do not care what anyone says, we as a nation own to ourselves the success of this president. The first fucking African American President, give me a break. The dude is smart, handsome and wholesome, why the hate? What are we saying as a nation? That color is a factor, that we value color over wisdom, that we support wealth over fairness?


  1. Don't be disheartened, we're only in the 2nd inning on this. The Fringers are counting on people getting down about their nonsense and giving up the fight. I personally don't think that them cheering about America losing the Olympics because they wanted to put Obama in his place is going to go down well. People may not like Obama but they don't take to well to people trashing the country in order to score points that don't matter at the end of the day. Healthcare is all that matters, and it's starting to be noticed that Republicans don't have a plan for anything.

  2. I've reworded this:

    They didn’t get mad when the Supreme Court stopped a legal recount and appointed a President.

    They didn’t get mad when Cheney allowed Energy com­pany offi­cials to dic­tate energy policy.

    They didn’t get mad when a covert CIA oper­a­tive got outed.

    They didn’t get mad when the Patriot Act got passed.

    They didn’t get mad when we ille­gally invaded a coun­try that posed no threat to us.

    They didn’t get mad when we spent over 600 billion(and count­ing) on said ille­gal war.

    They didn’t get mad when over 10 bil­lion dol­lars just dis­ap­peared in Iraq.

    They didn’t get mad when you saw the Abu Grahib photos.

    They didn’t get mad when we found out we were tor­tur­ing people.

    They didn’t get mad when the gov­ern­ment was ille­gally wire­tap­ping Americans.

    They didn’t get mad when we didn’t catch Bin Laden.

    They didn’t get mad when you saw the hor­ri­ble con­di­tions at Wal­ter Reed.

    They didn’t get mad when we let a major US city drown.

    They didn’t get mad when the deficit hit the tril­lion dol­lar mark.

    But they got mad when.. when… wait for it… when the gov­ern­ment decided that peo­ple in Amer­ica deserved the right to see a doc­tor if they are sick.

    And they celebrated when we lost the Olympics.

    That should tell you alot about the Fringers.

  3. The original was posted here -

  4. I'm with Renee on this. Take heart! I was just emailing with a relative who was disgusted when people at her work place started CHEERING when it was announced that we didn't get the bid. I told her that I'm to the point where I'm starting to shame people for their attitude. "Really? You want our country to fail because you don't like the guy?" and "Really? What about those people in Chicago who have been out of work for a year and were hoping this would get them a job? Do you still think it's funny?" I've about had it, and I'm not afraid to call people on this. If we all start speaking about about their hateful attitudes, maybe, just maybe, one or two will stop to think about it.

    I'll give you an example. A few years ago, at a family get-together, the subject of New Orleans being hit by Katrina came up. Ken and I love the place, and have been there twice (once on our honeymoon). Someone (a relative by marriage, not blood, thank goodness) said something about how he thought New Orleans had it coming for all the "stuff" that goes on down there. He didn't specifically mention gays, but apparently thought the city was just evil in general. LOL

    I couldn't stand to hear that city disparaged in such a way, and spoke up and said, "Ken and I have been there twice, and I can tell you that there are a lot of good people there." Ken chimed in and said something like, "GREAT people." The guy shut up. A few days later, I heard from both my sister and my Dad, and they told me they were impressed that we spoke up and were proud of us for doing so.

    Ignorance and hate needs to be confronted and rejected. Let's all keep at it, and I think we'll make a difference! (And sorry this was so long!)

    Hugs, Beth

  5. It is early in his first term, and while it was not the best of days (and I wanted Chicago to win, since it is 90 minutes from us), Rio really did deserve the bid. As for the economic statistics, our society is to quick to expect results, the unemployment rate has been advertised as not getting better until 2010 based on past trends. All is not bad, it is the weekend :o)

  6. These people are fools if they think that tapes of them cheering America "failing" at something internationally wasn't viewed around the world. Things to do with Obama are taken in more overseas than in the United States and foreign investor have to be noting that there is a movement in this country that attacks anyone that makes moves to do anything with the Obama Administration that would serve the country in a positive way. Between the Fringers, and the political hacks unwillingness to cooperate in benefiting the country investors will begin to get scared off. The Republicans think that they're drawing blood on Obama but what they're really doing is keeping this country stuck in the recession as Europe and Asia have shown signs of recovery. Those kind of investors were already timid about investing in this country again after Wall Street brought down the world. You throw nationalistic self-sabotage that smacks of xenophobia in the mix and this country is going to be treated like Bosnia in the 90s in about a minute. That is why people can't get worn down and give up, these folks have every intention of tearing this country apart in the hopes of taking over and forcing the puzzle pieces back together to look the way they want it.

  7. Papito, stay strong and believe that the love and the light will win!

  8. Who is the woman with one leg? Is that a painting of her when she was younger? Why don't I know about this and the rest of you seem to?

  9. FYI. That beautiful Pic is from Ms. Landmine Cambodia, however just when the Project was about be launched, it got pull by the Cambodian government. I will be posting more about this on this week. There is another Ms. Landmine Angola that has also beautiful pics.

  10. Marcos, don't let a horrible day get to you. Do something to renew and repair your soul. I'd go completely crazy if I didn't. We together can still change what we need to change, we have it within us.

  11. Sorry your evening has been so bad. It hasn't really been a championship season for any of us progressive thinkers. I love the "They didn't get mad when..." comment that NG gave. That's typical. Conservatives never get mad when they stand to get wealthier. They only get mad when someone of integrity threatens their choke-hold on the government and the people. They want us stupid and compliant so we just keep handing over our money for their goods and services to give their companies more profits. Just look at how incredibly stupid George Bush is. He never made a public appearance where I didn't feel embarrassed for our country, just watching him act like a moron. And heaven forbid he would open his mouth and say something! I would cringe just listening to his idiocy. Now, we finally have an intelligent president and the minority that didn't vote for him is up in arms.
    Well, we were mad for 8 years, so they can be mad if they want. But we have to make sure that their lunacy is not taken as the "voice of the people" because it isn't. Let's make sure our voices are heard, too. Take heart, lelocolon. You are not alone. :)
