Saturday, October 3, 2009

Weekly Review September 28- to October 13, 2009

By Allan. Saturday, October 03, 2009
Allan proudly introduces his soul brother and celebrity, Israel in Izzy living with in his purpose. Wonderful video of a friend.

by Allen Labels, Friday, October 2, 2009
We are Here what a rode trip, that was, Yeahp everyone Allen made it to Ft. Lauderdale, Floridad safe and happy.

By Joy.Friday, Sept. 25 2009
The spot light goes to the Birthday Girl. In, Hippo Birdies 2 Moi and on that take, this one is from me and Allan to Wonderful Ms. Joy.

by BUCKO, Monday, Sept. 29 2009
In Science Scene - MRI takes on the Hadron Accelerator, I am so happy that Bucko loves to explain thinks like that. Read the part about levitating a mouse, I want so much to see that for real.

Bob. Friday, October 02, 2009
In Prepare to laugh, Bob showed us a singing pecker.

By Wonder Man. Thursday, Sept. 24, 2009
In Teazers is Tacky and Lolly Jackson is an Asshole. By Wonder Man; no need to explain here. A really good post

By NG Friday, October 02, 2009
A Student at center of Fox fueled Jennings controversy was of legal age, NGblog brings attention to more homophobic lies from FoxNews.

y Beth, Monday, September 28, 2009
In, Do these Lederhosen make me look fat?, Beth comes really strong after the book banners. Plenty of good reason to come after them.

By Larry OHIO, Thursday October I, 2009
Blood Not Included is another steaming take from Larry about Martial Arts cage fighting. Hot.

by Kyle, Thursday October I, 2009
In Vegetarianism-The Other Way to Eat Kyle share a luscious recipe with all of us, we are going to have to make it ourselves.

By Ramona, Saturday September 19, 2009
I found about Ramona's Voices seaching for a new follower Jame Hipps, he introduced me to Ramona's site. And I found this to share The Danger in Underestimating the Right Wing. Check out her site let me know what you think.

By Miss Kitty, Tuesday, September 29, 2009
In He needs to serve his time. Ms. kitty gave us her take on Romans Polanski the rapist.


  1. You had asked about the mouse and levitation, and here is a link that explains the details. The bottom line is that no mices were hurt in the experiment.

  2. All good stuff, and I followed through to see the levitating mouse, too! LOL

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. To Bucko and Beth, Isn't that interesting the whole levitation of mouse. I will like to see it up close now. Thanks

  5. Marcos, thanks for the link to Ramona's blog. I love her writing and her spirit. Thanks for the link in to my post. I'm really happy so many people liked the recipe for falafel. I guess I'll have to start to post recipes.

  6. Yeah kyle I saw that, I was at her site and you and Bucko both stop by her blog. And Yeah more healthy delicious recipes please. Say hi to Stan.

    Wonder man you are always welcome.

  7. Hey Marcos, I couldn't find your e-mail, after reading your comment, so I'm posting this here. I took the adult disclaimer off my blog, will that help you access the blog?

  8. Thank you so much for the birthday remembrance! You are so sweet and caring!

  9. Klye and everyone else is Kyle thank you for taking notice I will let you know tomorrow.

  10. Wonder man, I hope I am not ignoring you. I love and am honor when you stop by. Lets converse more.

  11. Lelo, thanks for mentioning my blog, and for your comments. I've added you to my blogroll. Also Kyle and Bucko. We're all in this fight together.
