Friday, August 21, 2009

AFA family values think is OK to steals from Bilirico

I think this is great art work.  I will like to have this image by my dinning room table with candles underneath.  To show to what extent religious hypocrisy is willing to go.  It was made by a gay  artist from The Bilerico Project, Bil Browning.  The image designed to provoke and to reflect on religious hate, was stolen by The American Family Institute.  Imagine that, the morons at AFA are so fixated on their hate that they do not see how the image can easily work to dismantle their hateful agenda.  I guess culture is not part of their lives.


  1. Interesting that they stole an image where Jesus is holding a gun and sitting on part of the American flag thus defacing it. God is vengeful and Jesus is the entity of self-sacrifice, love & peace from what my former Catholic school girl memory can recall so why would Jesus be holding a gun? Basically these people are morons who don't know the basic tenets of their own faith or government.

  2. So I guess this answers the questions, "What would Jesus do?" He carry a gun, wrap himself up in American fascism, and exterminate homosexuals.

    It seems like that whole Luke 6:31 thing was obviously Jesus being misquoted.
