Thursday, September 24, 2009

Demi Queer Series, Part one of my gallery series.

Lately I have been examining my commitment to Queer politics and decided that I will like to share my virtual Gallery Importing fronteras. Being loud and in your face about my sexuality is second nature to me. In my Demi-queer series, I have some samples of my cultural works reflecting on the subject. Let me know what you think.

Model Fifth Generation

Model Third Generation


Two Models


  1. Very interesting! As you look closer, you can make out more details, but the metamorphosis is so much that first glance seems to be abstract.

  2. Thank you beth I often had thought about that tool

  3. Good stuff! And the header graphic is great too.

  4. Your header is great! The series is interesting. I agree with what Beth said.

  5. Hey there Marcos I had trouble connecting with the first image. I don't know why. The second definitely gave me feelings of introspection almost a feeling of protectedness, warmth. Love the hammers piece. It has a vibrant mix of female/male energy. It is very sensual, yet bold, like group sex. The fourth piece reminds me of an art deco fountain or stained glass piece. There is continuity, connectedness there and a sense of longing. That piece like the previous one has a good mix of male/female energy. More please!

  6. Thanks to all of you for your support. It is great to hear all your comments. I have been MIA due to work. I am back to catch up.
