Saturday, September 19, 2009

German Gonzales and Much More

I am very excited that one of my newest followers is also the head editor for AmbienteGt, which is an electronic magazine dedicated to Queer Arts and politics in Spain. As an artist I seldom come across artworks where I do a double take, but in the case of German Gomez’ work I had to. To me he does with photography what Francis Bacon does with painting. My only concern is that I want to see more of German Gomez’s work, three samples is not enough for the artist in me. I feel so inspired that I am heading for my camera. Take a look for yourself this is hot, I love it. If you want me to translate something let me know.

P.S. Ambiente GT just mentioned to me that he was from Guatemala. So my bad. I want to retract the Spain as the site for the magazine.


  1. That's very interesting. Your comparison between his work and Bacon's is a good one.

  2. I've never seen his work before and am glad you introduced me to it. Interesting, indeed!

  3. Hey Thanx for your post!
    I try to put many things about the world and the "Ambiente Gay" im from Guatemala, Central América and thanx again for post my blog :o)

  4. Oh perdona por un momento pense que tu pajina era de Espana. I will remediate that in just a few. I like your page a lot. I am interested that you visit my other site. My electronic gallery is Importing fronteras. Take a look. @

  5. Very interesting work! Hmmm, I don't know why, but Guatemala and Central America has been on my brain for weeks.

  6. I am the other half of Nutwood Junction, and just want to say hi, and thanks for being a follerer and supporter :o)

  7. Bucko, you Beth and Sheeba are awesome. Thanks for visiting my blog welcome.

  8. Marcos, I like the photography on his site, especially those like the one above. Reminds me of the surrealists. Great link!
