Sunday, September 13, 2009

Weekly Review September 7 - 13, 2009

Even though the blogsphere was full with comedy given the nature of the attack at the President speech, my network represented pretty good. Just in case you missed any one of them, I suggest for you to visit the hyperlinked titles to these wonderful articles.

Available at your local COSTCO
By Allan. Sunday, September 13, 2009
Allan brought up to our attention Lil' Monkey Doll, and the racist take of the toy.

United Postal Service (ups) caught
by Allen Labels, Thursday, September 10, 2009
A funny post about how far you can land a package when working for the UPS.

By Joy. Saturday, September 12, 2009
Joy also had a funny take on the SC representative and a funny video by Craig Ferguson.

Just for Being Gay
By Bob. Friday, September 11, 2009
Not a funny but a tragic post about Jake Raynard a handsome man disfigured after a vicious attack by six men.

Christians are protesting against Pastor Steven Anderson, but where are the Gays?
By Wonder Man. Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Great post in on how Christians themselves are organizing against hate.

Disaster averted...Sort of
By Beth Sunday, September 13, 2009
A most watch, Beth had a funny video too, featuring Graig Ferguson.

Reel Rant-Adjust Your Mind to See the Subtitles
by Kyle, Thursday, September 10, 2009
Great commentary on how american film industry clones foreign movies "to cater to the masses in this country."

I Saw Some Dork Crying at the Gym
By Larry OHIO. Saturday, September 12, 2009
A moving and personal account, very touching.

The Southern Purge of Non-Loyalists
By Miss Kitty, Friday, September 11. 2009
Interesting take on how "Rep. Joe Wilson’s outburst at the President on Wednesday was a calculated move by Southern Republicans to exert control over the Party completely."


  1. Bob (my evil twin) and I (yeah, I'm evil, too) apparently have a thing for Craig Ferguson. And I'm okay with that! Hugs, Beth

  2. Thanks for mentioning my blog! I appreciate it. I felt better after watching President Obama on 60 Minutes tonight. Did you see him?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Beth, the Ferguson video was great it reminded me of old tv shows.

    Joy, I did not watch him because I was helping hubby with his Spanish homework. I will look it up in the internet. But a lot of people felt really upset over SC repug. Lets see what happens now.
